AWS Core Services - Elastic Block Store


·       You can choose EBS volumes between HDD and SSD types.

·       Pay as you go

·       Backup using snapshots.

·       Block-level replication – much more durable because of that.

·     The right tool for the right job. – choose magnetic for the logs.

·       For DR protection (Disaster recovery) protection you can copy snapshots to different AWS


·       Can change to HDD to SSD or increase capacity

·       Can to this on fly. Without needing to stop the instances.

·       If you want to attach new volume to existing instances u have to create the EBS volume should be created on the same availability zone as the instance resides.

·       how to attach volume to an instance

o   Go to action and click attach volume.

o   Select the instance

o   Select device - /dev/sdb

o   Go to the instance tab and click connect.

o   Go to the terminal and connect with the instance

o   “lsblk” use to find out what are the blocks within the instance

o   To add file system with it “ sudo mke2fs /dev/xvdb”

o   Optional - To run as root type “ sudo !!”

o   To mont that volume in to a folder “ sudo mount /dev/xvdb /mnt”

o   To unmount “ umount /mnt”

o   Then select the volume, go to action , click detach volume.

o   EBS has ability to have different storage requirements.

o   Pay only for the capacity you use.


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