AWS Core Services - EC2


  • Ø  Elastic Compute Service.
  • Ø  You can increase or decrease the number of servers that required by the application automatically.
  • Ø  Servers = Amazon EC2 instances.

Ø  How to build and configure EC2 instance.

ü  Log in to AWS console

ü  Choose a region

ü  Launch EC2 wizard

ü  Select AMI ( Amazon Machine Image)( software )

ü  Select instance type (HW)

ü  Configure network

ü  Configure storage

ü  Configure key pairs – Allow us to connect to the instance.

ü  Launch & connect.

Ø  DHCP – Dynamic Host configuration service

ü  Network management protocol used to automate the process of configuring devices on IP networks.

ü  Dynamically assigns an IP address and other network configuration parameters to each device on a network so they can communicate with other IP networks.

ü  IN AWS auto-assign public IP will give the DHCP address.

Ø  In order to connect with SSH need to create a key pair.

Ø  Default user – ec2@user{copy the public DNS}

Ø  To connect using putty u have to auth the private key.

Ø  Use puttygen to create ppk file.


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